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Learn Morewe employed RNA-Seq to examine transcriptome profiles of male and female mouse gonads at 12.5dpc, 13.5dpc, 16.5dpc and 6dpp.; Methods: Gonadal mRNA profiles of 12.5dpc,13.5dpc, 16.5dpc and 6dpp mice were generated by deep sequencing, in triplicate, using Illumina Hiseq 2500. The cDNA library was constructed with a SMARTer Ultra Low Input RNA for lllumina Sequencing kit (Clontech Laboratories) and sequenced on an Illumina HiSeq 2500.After sequencing, clean reads were obtained by removing reads containing the adaptor sequences, reads with > 5% ambiguous bases, and low-quality reads, then mapped to the mouse genome (version: mm10_GRCm38) using TopHat software. Gene expression level was calculated using the fragments per kilobase per million mapped reads method. SOURCE: Ji Wu ( - Shanghai Jiao Tong University
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