
GSE42878: Pregnancy-induced gene expression and differentiation of mouse mammary epithelium are co-governed by Nuclear Factor IB (NFIB) and STAT5

  • Organsim mouse
  • Type RNASEQ
  • Target gene
  • Project ARCHS4

Cytokines control the expression of common and cell-specific genes through the transcription factor STAT5. In mammary tissue specifically, expression of approximately 570 genes is induced during pregnancy by prolactin through STAT5, which binds to putative regulatory sequences. We have now asked whether mammary-specific induction of these genes can be linked to the presence of additional transcription factors, which would act in concert with STAT5. RNA-seq analysis at parturition identified 370 genes that were under NFIB control. Notably, 75% of these genes, encoding proteins linked to the differentiation of mammary epithelium, were also regulated by STAT5. This study demonstrates that the STAT5-NFIB module is an essential part of genes that define differentiation and function of the mammary gland. SOURCE: Keunsoo Kang ( - LGP NIH

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