Pluto Bioinformatics

GSE138878: Regulating lineage progression of cortical neural stem cells by extrinsic signaling molecule SHH [bulk RNA-seq]

Bulk RNA sequencing

Purpose:To asses changes in gene expression profiles from the P0 wild type littermate controls cortex, hGFAP-Cre, SmoM2f/+ mice cortex and ShhN IUE (ShhN palsmid were electroporated to wild type mice cortex at E13.5 and the cortex were dissected at P0) mice.; Methords:Total RNA was isolated and sequenced using an illumina high-seq 2500. Raw data was analyzed using TopHat. Genes were considered significantly changed whicn perform fold-change>=2 and P value <= 0.05; Results: Compared to controls, 2466 genes were significantly down-regulated, and 5289 genes were up regulated in the RNA expression level of the SmoM2 mice; 3492 genes were significantly down-regulated, and 3577 genes were up regulated in the RNA expression level of the cortex of ShhN IUE mice. SOURCE: Guoping Liu ( - Fudan University

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