Pluto Bioinformatics

GSE146309: Nanoengineered Osteoinductive Bioink for Three-Dimensional Bioprinting Bone Tissue

Bulk RNA sequencing

Bioprinting is an emerging additive manufacturing approach to the fabrication of patient-specific, implantable three-dimensional (3D) constructs for regenerative medicine. However, developing cell-compatible bioinks with high printability, structural stability, biodegradability, and bioactive characteristics is still a primary challenge for translating 3D bioprinting technology to preclinical and clinal models. To overcome this challenge, we develop a nanoengineered ionic covalent entanglement (NICE) bioink formulation for 3D bone bioprinting. The NICE bioinks allow precise control over printability, mechanical properties, and degradation characteristics, enabling custom 3D fabrication of mechanically resilient, cellularized structures. We demonstrate cell- induced remodeling of 3D bioprinted scaffolds over 60 days, demonstrating deposition of nascent extracellular matrix proteins. Interestingly, the bioprinted constructs induce endochondral differentiation of encapsulated human mesenchymal stem cells (hMSCs) in absence of osteoinducing agents such as dexamethasone or bone morphogenic protein-2 (BMP-2). Using next-generation transcriptome sequencing (RNA-seq) technology, we establish the role of nanosilicates, a bioactive component of NICE bioink, to stimulate endochondral differentiation at the transcriptome level. Overall, the osteoinductive bioink has the ability to induce formation of osteo-related mineralized extracellular matrix by encapsulatedhMSCsingrowthfactor-freeconditions.Furthermore,wedemonstratedtheabilityofNICEbioinktofabricatepatient-specific, implantable 3D scaffolds for repair of craniomaxillofacial bone defects. We envision transformation of this NICE bioink technology toward a realistic clinical process for 3D bioprinting patient-specific bone tissue for regenerative medicine. SOURCE: Irtisha Singh ( - Texas A&M Health Science Center

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