Pluto Bioinformatics

GSE137431: Relief of tumor hypoxia unleashes the tumoricidal potential of neutrophils

Bulk RNA sequencing

Our objective was to identify the genes in tumor-associated neutrophils that are differentially expressed when uterine tumor-bearing "PRPL" mice are subjected to respiratory hyperoxia versus normoxia housing conditions.; Six samples were spread across thw two housing conditions, each with 3 biological replicates. Sequencing provided was 372 million total reads with an average of 81.9% of these reads aligning uniquely to the mouse genome. Reads uniquely mapped to known mRNAs were used to identify gene expression changes between housing conditions using DESeq2.; We found that 423 protein-coding genes were differentially expressed (FDR<0.05, excluding genes whose normalized read counts were less than 50 across all six samples) in tumor-associated neutrophils from 4-wk old PRPL mice housed under hyperoxia versus normoxia conditions. SOURCE: Karim Mahiddine ( - Adrian Erlebacher University of Califiornia San Francisco

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