Pluto Bioinformatics

GSE41908: Transcriptome profiling of wild type primordial germ cells (PGC) by RNAseq

Bulk RNA sequencing

Purpose: To identify molecular pathways underlying epigenetic reprogramming in early germ cell precursors, we examined global gene expression of wild type primordial germ cells using mRNA sequencing.; Methods: Given the limited number of PGCs collected from E9.5 to E13.5 (ranging from 300 to 5000), we used a low-input RNA sequencing method, Smart-Seq. RNA libraries were pooled and sequenced by Illumina Hiseq.; Results: We generated >22 million uniquely mapped reads per sample and identified >10 thousand transcripts per genotype (RPKM>0.1). Hierarchical clustering and correlation analysis on gene expression indicates samples were clearly separated according to their genotypes with Spearman correlation coefficient of 0.98/0.99 within biological replicates. Compared with E9.5 PGCs, 479 genes were significantly up-regulated and 248 genes were down-regulated in E11.5 PGCs. When compared with E11.5 PGCs, male E13.5 PGCs had 362 up-regulated, and 239 down-regulated genes, whereas female E13.5 PGCs had 1163 up-regulated and 333 down-regulated genes. Overall, the number of up-regulated genes was greater than that of the down-regulated genes in every comparison, suggesting that gene expression is generally activated during PGC reprogramming. SOURCE: Dinh,Hue,Diep ( - Kun Zhang Laboratory University of California, San Diego

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