Pluto Bioinformatics

GSE124303: Liver, Adipose Tissue, and Skeletal Muscle from adult male offspring of maternal nutrient restriction in mice

Bulk RNA sequencing

Pregnant CD-1 mice were fed control (ad libitum) and 70% total food (g) (MNR) diets from E6.5-birth. At birth, litters with 11-15 pups were cross-fostered to ad libitum-fed mothers. At weaning, males were kept for analysis and fed ad libitum until 6 months when they were euthanized by CO2 necropsis for quadriceps femoris, right medial liver lobe and perigonadal adipose tissue. Tissues were frozen in liquid nitrogen until total RNA isolations were done on whole-tissue homogenate. Libraries were made with polyA enrichment and sequenced. Differential expression between maternal nutrition or glucose tolerance groups (glucose intolerant MNR, tolerant MNR, MNR with a high fasting blood glucose [IFBG] and controls). SOURCE: Victor,KM,Han ( - University of Western Ontario

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